Shopping Ideas

We all have to eat and I can't be the only person to have done a normal seeming supermarket shop and literally dropped my jaw at the bill. Worse, you do the huge supermarket shop, have a funny turn at the total, donkey the bags back home, unpack a pile of stuff - and find that, once you've taken out the dishwater tablets and the laundry detergent and the loo paper, it only really fills two shelves of the fridge and might last you three days tops. 

How did that happen? And how did we get to the stage where, shamefully, a couple of the perishable things bought on Monday end up in the bin by Friday?

Sensible Supermarket Shopping and How to Do it:

Don't. Shop locally, daily, buying only precisely what you need: a bag of pasta, say and some overripe tomatoes going to cheap at the grocer's. Add an onion, olive oil and some basil from your windowsill and you have supper for four for about 1 Rupee a head. This works extremely well on the thriftiness front, but I do see it can also be completely and irritatingly unpractical for most people who work.
